Fredrik Åkum at Skal Contemporary

Fredrik Åkum's exhibition 'Run to the Horizon' is on view at Skal Contemporary, Skagen, Denmark
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Tommy Svenningsson at Rackstad Museum

Tommy Svenningson is part of the group exhibition 'Under the Influence' at Rackstad Museum.
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Malin Gabriella Nordin reviewed in Dagens Nyheter

Malin Gabriella Nordin's xxhibition "Begynnelser" at Carl Eldh's Ateljémuseum reviewed in DN.
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Hanna Hansdotter Awarded the Swedish Government’s Rising Star Award

Hanna Hansdotter has been awarded the 2023 'Rising Star Award' by the Swedish Government for her innovative glass artistry, celebrated for revitalizing Swedish glass traditions with bold, contemporary works. Photo: Stina Gullander/Government Offices of Sweden
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Malin Gabriella Nordin in Dagens Nyheter

Photo: Anette Nantell, DN.
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Arvida Byström on Dazed Digital

On project "In The Clouds".
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Arvida Byström in SvD

Exhibition "Cut The Cake" at Dunkers Kulturhus reviewed in Svenska Dagbladet.
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Arvida Byström on Swedish Radio

Malin Gabriella Nordin at Carl Eldhs Ateljémuseum

For their Summer 2024 exhibition, Carl Eldhs Ateljémuseum in Stockholm has invited Malin Gabriella Nordin to fill their space with her work including both sculpture and painting.
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Arvida Byström book release "In The Clouds"

Arvida Byström released "In The Clouds", a photo book published by NUDA featuring AI-generated nudes.