
Ylva Carlgren
From a Material Point of View

Gallery Steinsland Berliner is proud to present From a Material Point of View, an exhibition with new work by Swedish artist Ylva Carlgren.

“En helhet reducerad till enhet, ordnad genom sönderdelning, betraktad del för del. I materialets minsta beståndsdel, gripa efter något obegripligt, nypa efter det finfördelade.

Söka efter gränslinjer, försöka överträda en gräns genom att upplösa den. Svårigheten i att avgränsa det övergående, i att studera ett tillfälligt tillstånd av tillblivelse. 

Uppställda exempel, vertikala utrop och utrymmen, varierande grad av osäkerhet. Urskilja något i skillnaden mellan det ena och det andra – förlora fokus igen. 

Enhet skild från helhet, en pågående separation, ett återkommande problem. En bristfällig frågeställning, ofullkomliga slutsatser om det odefinierade.” 

– Ylva Carlgren, 5 februari 2020

“An entity reduced to units, arranged through disintegration, considered in detail; among the fundamental material constituents, grasping for something unintelligible, snatching at the finely divided.

In pursuit of borderlines, trying to transgress a boundary by dissolving it. The inherent difficulty of delimiting the transitory – in studying a state of temporary becoming.

Arranged examples, vertical exclamations and spaces, varying degrees of ambiguity. To perceive something in the difference between this and that – and losing focus again.

A unit divorced from entity, an ongoing separation, a recurring issue. A halting question, incomplete conclusions regarding the undefined.”

– Ylva Carlgren, 5 February 2020

Ylva Carlgren (b. 1984, Luleå) atmospheric watercolor paintings are created with skilful control. Multiple layers of colour are applied in order to achieve delicate shifts in light that convey a particular sense of understated grandeur. Characteristic for her practice is a greatly informed interest in material and technique

Her work has previously been exhibited at: Uppsala Konstmuseum, Göteborgs Konsthall, Liljevalchs Konsthall among other places. She has received several grants, including but not limited to a working grant from IASPIS which enabled an extended period of practice in Tokyo, Japan.

This is Ylva Carlgren’s fourth solo presentation with the gallery following exhibitions in 2014, 2016 and 2018. She lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden.